Rash in a sentence as a noun

There seems to be a rash of that on HN now.

"to see a patient with a really nasty rash.

Seeing the rash of "end the fed" madness on the internet makes me very sad.

A rash started to present itself all over her body, not a bothersome one.

The rash of online dating startups always strikes me as a misguided use of people's efforts.

Don't do anything too rash and if you need someone to talk to, myself and most other people would be happy to lend an ear.

Rash in a sentence as an adjective

The rash appeared to be like tiny purple freckles, something the patient referred to as Dalmatian spots.

If one puts forward an idea to a true Englishman -- always a rash thing to do -- he never dreams of considering whether the idea is right or wrong.

With this rash of seize-servers-first-ask-questions-later, sounds like we're heading for a reprise of the glorious Steve Jackson Games era of blunt-weapon policing tactics when it comes to technology.

But he had had a very bad cough for a few months that to be honest, had become kind of a workplace annoyance and was blamed for everything from loss of productivity to a rash of URIs that ran through the office for a few weeks.

Older buildings built during various eras, with varying architecture/history, and a "human scale" that doesn't block the light/sky, are more popular than tearing it all down and replacing everything with a rash of Miami-style high-rise condo towers.

The moral of the story here for developers is, if you present the user with some scary string they don't understand, they'll overreact and do rash things like disabling chunks of your working, tested software, and probably accuse you of being in bed with Holywood and the NSA in the same sentence.

Rash definitions


any red eruption of the skin

See also: roseola efflorescence


a series of unexpected and unpleasant occurrences; "a rash of bank robberies"; "a blizzard of lawsuits"

See also: blizzard


imprudently incurring risk; "do something rash that he will forever repent"- George Meredith


marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences; "foolhardy enough to try to seize the gun from the hijacker"; "became the fiercest and most reckless of partisans"-Macaulay; "a reckless driver"; "a rash attempt to climb Mount Everest"

See also: foolhardy heady reckless