Efflorescence in a sentence as a noun

There's a little efflorescence, but nothing out of the ordinary for the area; it's more uniform and nowhere near as severe as your picture.

Perhaps classic McIlroy: calling Emacs and vi "baroque efflorescences totally out of harmony with the spirit of Unix"

A group which overcomes social oppression then becomes ascendant, often experiences an efflorescence of group pride which others can also take as tacky.“For over a thousand years Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of triumph, a tumultuous parade.

Efflorescence definitions


the period of greatest prosperity or productivity

See also: flower prime peak heyday bloom blossom flush


any red eruption of the skin

See also: rash roseola


the time and process of budding and unfolding of blossoms

See also: blossoming flowering florescence inflorescence anthesis


a powdery deposit on a surface

See also: bloom