Reprise in a sentence as a verb

Let's reprise those excuses here, where they will stand out all the more.

If not, I think he could reprise two of his better roles to do this!

Big data is not a reprise of Gosplan.

You're probably right, but there was a least a big reprise of it in 2011 in php - CVE-2011-4885

I mean, I was not very good at it, and at this time, I don't really want to reprise that role, but I could.

If it's any consolation I was gutted when I found that out. Hopefully I can find something else good by Matthew Holness, who knows he might even reprise his role as Garth

It sounds like a reprise of the Apple vs. Microsoft "Look-and-feel" lawsuits of the mid 80s, only with patents, not copyright.

-GandiPlease, allow me to express the following opinion without reprise and then I am finished: He should have been taken alive at all costs.

To subject such intelligent and sensitive animals to such fear and cruelty, at such a young age, and then to euthanize them afterwards, in a reprise of past experiments, is beyond senseless.

With this rash of seize-servers-first-ask-questions-later, sounds like we're heading for a reprise of the glorious Steve Jackson Games era of blunt-weapon policing tactics when it comes to technology.

Reprise definitions


repeat an earlier theme of a composition

See also: reprize repeat recapitulate