Rabble-rousing in a sentence as an adjective

Apple was publicly rabble-rousing for DRM-free music before that.

If their goal is better discussion rather than predictable, emotional rabble-rousing, then removing the biggest obstacle to that end seems like the right move.

This article has little content in it, and I can't even parse which side of the debate you're trying to stake a claim to in this follow-up comment, though you seem to be very firmly on whatever side that is. Regardless of which side that may be, though, it seems appropriate to ask you if have more evidence than the word "preposterous" and some scare quotes around the word "fact".You really need to work on your political rabble-rousing.

I was lamenting that I have to wade through cheap rabble-rousing which I could already predict would be at the top, not because it contained any particular insight or was even well thought out, just because it cheered on some ill-defined hate most readers have for Zynga.

It's beyond hilarious that blog posts about app developers doing annoying things to make money are totally welcome on HN, and typically spark comments rabble-rousing towards the goal of making a "Developer's Professional Ethics Code.

Rabble-rousing definitions


arousing to action or rebellion

See also: incendiary incitive inflammatory instigative seditious