Incendiary in a sentence as a noun

I'm not sure how to say this without coming across as incendiary, but what the ****?

To be fair, he's mostly instigating it himself with incendiary posts and tweets.

One bit of water in it and it's effectively an incendiary device.

"If that's your goal, perhaps using a less derisive and incendiary tone towards the straw man scientist in the post would've been good?

One short on a LiPoly pack and your tech gadget turns neatly into an incendiary device, which is what happened to my 2010 MBP.

Is calling the Genghis Khan not a nice guy incendiary?That's the class and order of magnitude of horror we're dealing with here.

Incendiary in a sentence as an adjective

Is calling the Nazis really ******* bad incendiary?

But what amounts to a vague wave in the direction that can't even be nailed beyond "society" is not helpful to anyone, just an incendiary attack.

I'm glad someone got fired over this even though my initial and highly incendiary claims of sexism, the grounds on which this investigation was started, were shown to be false.

The investigator did find issues with TPW's general professional behavior which is why he resigned.> Sexism is a highly incendiary issue in this community.

Unchecked assumption: the developers most likely to engage with "incendiary" posts about "ditching Responsive Design", or developers that show up at developer conferences, are most likely to be the "top engineers".

Right, and lighting a cigarette with a $1 convenience store butane lighter can be described innocuously as: Intentional ignition of an incendiary device via the combustion of highly compressed explosive gas using a manually triggered high voltage electrical discharge.

Incendiary definitions


a criminal who illegally sets fire to property

See also: arsonist firebug


a bomb that is designed to start fires; is most effective against flammable targets (such as fuel)

See also: firebomb


involving deliberate burning of property; "an incendiary fire"


arousing to action or rebellion

See also: incitive inflammatory instigative rabble-rousing seditious


capable of catching fire spontaneously or causing fires or burning readily; "an incendiary agent"; "incendiary bombs"