Inflammatory in a sentence as an adjective

I tried to make this post as anti-inflammatory as possible, and if you think I failed, please let me know why.

Of course, most people don't have gluten-related inflammatory conditions, so whole wheat is good for them!

You, however, created in2d for the sole purpose of making this inflammatory comment.

We recommend you use inflammatory titles to expedite your case.

I really admire how much Notch seems to understand opposing viewpoints that most people would simply make inflammatory posts about.

I'm going to suggest something possibly inflammatory, but I promise I say it with only the best intentions.

This is a somewhat inflammatory title with a fairly unsubstantial article behind it.

This is going to sound inflammatory but I basically consider anyone younger than around 25 to be functionally insane.

If someone worked for me and posted inflammatory images/statements about/involving a co-worker they would be the one needing to worry about their job.

You can answer that question by giving a list of comparative advantages without being necessarily biased or inflammatory.

>Why does it need to be an all or nothing proposition?Because that would make for a completely reasonable, non-inflammatory headline and you'll never get to the top of HN with headlines like that, son.

Will linkbait be the new inflammatory headline?Will handwaving be the new fluff?Will insubstantial murmurings be the new mumbling into whiskers?Will this turn out to be a useful blog post or is it just a bunch of questions that can't be answered because they're pretty close to meaningless?

Inflammatory definitions


characterized or caused by inflammation; "an inflammatory process"; "an inflammatory response"


arousing to action or rebellion

See also: incendiary incitive instigative rabble-rousing seditious