Proposition in a sentence as a noun

" They think "hmm... what's the value proposition here?

We have a proposition for you which will put $100 extra in your pocket for every bathroom you build.

The proposition of this merger is one of the most blatantly negative outcomes for the public I've heard in some time.

Sometimes I like to eat lunch at my desk, other times I eat in the dining area with co-workers, and other times I eat out. Why does it need to be an all or nothing proposition?

But my belief in Premise 1, combined with the favorable structure of the proposition, means I don't need to be that picky.

I love that this is the top story on HN. I only wish that PG got as much flack for his startup economics hype piece[1] and proposition to compress a lifetime's worth of work effort into four years.

Airbnb has a compelling business proposition with an obvious Achilles heel.

Tesla Motors would be another footnote in history that people could point to - "automotive startups are a losing proposition, do not invest".

Much like local newspapers, it may be a not-quite-straightforward proposition to confidently say "The people who pay us get great value for their advertising spend.

Proposition in a sentence as a verb

This value proposition may have paid in a big way for founders in select companies but it has also left large numbers of seriously harmed founders in its wake over the years.

Selling programming tools is an ice-cubes-to-Inuits proposition to begin with.

Starting your typical SV startup is mostly an illusion and a bad proposition for you. young age is certainly good for coming up with disrupting ideas, but execution profits heavily from life experience - think of survivorship bias and don't be fooled by the few success stories.

>Why does it need to be an all or nothing proposition?Because that would make for a completely reasonable, non-inflammatory headline and you'll never get to the top of HN with headlines like that, son.

PG has assessed the broad economic proposition to which I would add the following: YC does take an immediate equity grant but does so with common stock and on terms that don't affect founder stock pricing.

If you find someone who has a fixed budget for his project, for example, if that person can get a better developer at 20 hours/week than he can at 40 hours that starts to look like an attractive value proposition.

"This is because debaters often don't respond to the other's policy proposition, but rather kritik their position by indicting the philosophical ideas behind it.

Why, when founders have the power to assert more control, should they voluntarily accede to a historic policy the keeps them in handcuffs and leaves them with basically an all-or-nothing proposition in whether they ever get anything significant out of the venture?

Much of the "distraction" that founders face in raising money exists precisely because a typical equity round can be a complex process and, apart from needing to sell the economic proposition behind their venture, founders must also make sure that any funds they do take in are taken on reasonable terms.

Proposition definitions


(logic) a statement that affirms or denies something and is either true or false


a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection; "it was a suggestion we couldn't refuse"

See also: suggestion proffer


an offer for a private bargain (especially a request for sexual favors)


the act of making a proposal; "they listened to her proposal"

See also: proposal


a task to be dealt with; "securing adequate funding is a time-consuming proposition"


suggest sex to; "She was propositioned by a stranger at the party"