Proposal in a sentence as a noun

No need to agree to the proposal in front of you just because it is in front of you.

"?Now, in an attempt to end on a positive note, I do like his proposal as a possible next step beyond HSR.

The immediate thing that sticks out to me in this proposal are the tight mechanical tolerances that have to be maintained.

After your last proposal, I will resist this legal action well beyond what makes any financial sense, simply out of principal.

My proposal is that United States airport security give up on requesting passengers to remove shoes.

Since the proposal is for a new bytecode, the author will have to implement their own interpreter and/or JIT compiler for it, and writing an efficient one is an extremely large chunk of work.

This isn't because we have lots of horrible proposals coming to us or because we're grouchy old academics; it's because even if we like the general idea behind something, the precise details are rarely perfect.

My proposal for a duel is, of course, a sample size of 1 plus the number of smart drug users who come forth to take the duel, and has other problems as a data-gathering measure, but I offer the duel to illustrate that I think that anyone can improve in smarts, for any real-world purpose, in a lot of ways that are better than taking poorly understood ***** pushed by smart drug hucksters.

Proposal definitions


something proposed (such as a plan or assumption)


an offer of marriage


the act of making a proposal; "they listened to her proposal"

See also: proposition