Profit in a sentence as a noun

If you double it, you keep the profit.

And, when the middle-class thrives, businesses grow and hire, and owners profit.

Actually that "broken profit model" isn't broken for some but thats another argument.

These companies would prefer you rot in the dark, than to lose one bit of profit.- Three, if one of these devices is not 100% perfect, it gets shot down and banned from the market.

These people should be in prison for malevolently misleading the public in order to start a for-profit war which killed hundreds of thousands of people.

And it used those copies in a for-profit enterprise to enhance its business and advance its profitability.

> An even bigger conflict of interest with auto dealers is that they make most of their profit from service, but electric cars require much less service than gasoline cars.

Profit in a sentence as a verb

Unites [sic] States Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz said, Todays convictions should serve as a message to those involved with illegal gambling schemes that the government will apply the full weight of its resources to identify, investigate and prosecute individuals who seek to profit from offshore gambling.

If people are unwilling to pay reasonable prices up-front for games, how besides in-app purchases does a game company profit from their work?This is an honest question, because I also generally hate how IAP is integrated into most games.

" The idea that Verizon is up against some sort of profitability wall because of how popular its product is becoming and thus needs to charge the companies responsible for that increased's simply not credible.

This author was correct when they said that "worthy causes" is mentioned in the PayPal PDF [1] on this feature: a more full quote being "for your nonprofit or worthy cause"; that said, the PDF also claims that when you sign up for your PayPal account you should do so "selecting nonprofit as the type".

This is probably a combination of profit-motivated industry and caution-motivated government.

In digital mediawebsites in particularnews outlets seldom if ever treat content with any sort of dignity and most news sites are wedded to a broken profit model that compels them to present a nearly unusable mishmash of pink noisewhich they call content.

Someone's finally seen what Robert Heinlein wrote in Life-Line and essentially just paraphrased it:> There has grown up in the minds of certain groups in this country the notion that because a man or corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of years, the government and the courts are charged with the duty of guaranteeing such profit in the future, even in the face of changing circumstances and contrary to public interest.

Profit definitions


the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses)

See also: lucre profits earnings


the advantageous quality of being beneficial

See also: gain


derive a benefit from; "She profited from his vast experience"

See also: gain benefit


make a profit; gain money or materially; "The company has not profited from the merger"