Privy in a sentence as a noun

" Also, it appears that they were all privy to what each other was going to say before the hearing.

Either you are privy to some undisclosed information or you are imagining things.

I'm not saying that we should be privy to the inner-workings of every company, but a lack of transparency is hardly a culture worthy of praise.

This guy was one notch above an intern at PayPal in the first few years of the company, but gives the impression he was a key player and privy to all the high level discussions.

The list of who is considered a terrorist is secret and we are not privy to which people or even organisations are considered enemies in this war on terror.

I'd say the most valuable insight I learned throughout this whole ordeal is that the market isn't logical, or if it is, you aren't going to be privy to the information it's acting on.

Privy in a sentence as an adjective

Hate to be the bearer of bad news--perhaps somewhat mitigated by the lack of hardcopies--but it's 'foreword' and not 'forward'.That is, unless this is either some technolingo or inside joke that I'm not privy to.

Academics don't have a culture of ripping into each others' workFrom my experience reviewing papers, being privy to program committee discussions, listening to my colleagues talk, and attending conferences, I have to disagree.

""I'm afraid I'm not privy to your company's compensation packages, but I know that the CEO reported a few tens of millions in stock grants last year, I'm not expecting that much, but if you feel the need to offer a lower base, I'd like to expedite the vesting schedule by a year then""I-I-I.....I'll see what I can do.

[One of my favorite APIs from a design perspective] How many discussions over beverages with Josh Bloch were actually required, and to how many internal iterations at Google were we never privy?It is only by adjusting our perceptions of the processes by which others produce quality work that we can feel good about our own abilities.

When I come to work here, you will have certain expectations about my discretion and ability to respect the companys need for privacy and my co-workers needs for privacy by not sharing things I see, hear, or are privy to with a third party, evenor especiallyif I am offered a financial inducement such as an attractive offer of employment with a company I respect.

Privy definitions


a room or building equipped with one or more toilets

See also: toilet lavatory john bathroom


a small outbuilding with a bench having holes through which a user can defecate

See also: outhouse earth-closet jakes


hidden from general view or use; "a privy place to rest and think"; "a secluded romantic spot"; "a secret garden"

See also: secluded secret


(followed by `to') informed about something secret or not generally known; "privy to the details of the conspiracy"