Outhouse in a sentence as a noun

Hard to answer because we don't know if "house" means an outhouse of the White House.

It's like they positioned this product from penthouse to outhouse in less than 90 days.

... I mean, if you showed me a dingy outhouse on one hand and a serene field on the other, I can kind of see the appeal.

Even at 3am on a rainy night, your only toilet option is a wet and perhaps muddy walk to the outhouse.

When I was but a wee child I was told by my beloved grandfather that the proper outhouse technique required "two reds and a white".

Okay, if your traditions prohibit crapping in your house - no problem, build a network of decent outhouses.

My interest as a writer and outhouse philosopher was the clarity of his piece, not the validity of the argument.

Comparing the icon to an outhouse is not a discussion on marketing strategy - it is a slight at those that put a lot of thought into the new icon.

They were decent enough homes, but if you had to go, you went out to their outhouse in the backyard, which was basically a deep hole in the ground over which was a wooden frame you could sit on.

Poring over the old texts, I found stories having to do with "delicacies" prepared\nfrom maggots from the outhouse, and the flavor of the familiar silkworm was said to be exquisite.

Outhouse definitions


a small outbuilding with a bench having holes through which a user can defecate

See also: privy earth-closet jakes