Floe in a sentence as a noun

The formal use can be depreciated - we're not likely to staunch that floe.

Three miners in Nome got stranded on an ice floe because the ice broke up in March for the first time in at least 120 years.

The correct answer is, you don't need to sort the array at all because you are a polar bear on an ice floe.

They were stuck on an Antarctic ice floe for 497 days, and you think it was the lack of carbs that reduced their stamina?

Politicians avoid talking about this...too much like leaving Grandma on the ice floe.

Sorry, yes an L-1 could work although all work would need to floe through the US company and you would need to add jobs over time.

It's nice to visit, when I'm not white-knuckling across ice-floe roads in February.

Presumably there is some solution other than "sit there and suffer" or to push the retirees off onto an ice floe.

That was a little anomalous due to the Little Ace Age but even in the XX century ice floe would cover over 90% of the Sea once in a while.

Provides a nice sense of camaraderie without the messy actually talking to people disrupting your floe.

What is happening now is that Mozilla will try to jump from one shrinking ice-floe onto another that they hope will be more stable and may even give them room to expand again.

But I believe historically, when resources get tight, the "community" doesn't mind putting their elders on an ice floe and letting them go, so that the current generation can have more.

It is mere decency, and "well employees should do it" without that automation that we both agree needs to exist--but, rather critically, tends to always be step two for certain folks, after "set them off on their ice floe", not step one--is morally super not great.

When you're talking about 'me' or 'my data' here, do you mean 'me' as in 'scarejunba' or 'me' as in 'the hypothetical CEO of a large health insurance corporation that wants to set discriminatory prices based on a huge data trove'?When you're talking about 'you' here, do you mean that I, 'floe', personally want to own and control all of your data?

"I will read the reference, however, to those of us in Europe, please remember that this methodology resembles a group of earnest steam punks analysing flies in amber with brass and ebony microscopes on an ice floe that is breaking up... I'm suggesting that we suspect positivist descriptions do not capture the important values in education.

Floe definitions


a flat mass of ice (smaller than an ice field) floating at sea