Pollenate in a sentence as a verb

Bee keepers go all over the US to place their hives and then bring them to California to pollenate the nut trees.

Travel - Many of the commercial hives in the US travel vast distances to pollenate fields.

GM crops cross-pollenate thereby spreading patented genes to non-GM fields.

There is no way we'd ever be able to pollenate all our crops by hand and it would become incredibly expensive if we tried.

If the location you host pollen on to provide entropy for elsewhere via pollenate, try running haveged.

Also, maybe an outside perspective is what is needed in biotech—good things happen when smart people from other disciplines cross-pollenate.

Etc..Also, the male mosquitoes also pollenate some plants and flowers, which also negatively affects the ecosystem- only the females bite.

Not to me, I think it looks like "proposed" is a side-stepping phrasing that replaces a perfectly reasonable one like "established" because, at the core, Evolution does not cross-pollenate with Creation.

Who am I kidding, of course it does, but my general gist is that the current pattern of extreme weather & disasters being localized is knitting together as the crisis marchs into ever more dire territory into something truly globespanning & globe-wrecking, where earth itself will visibly no longer support the same everyday vitality of life, and where we have to find new means to artificially sustain the ecosphere & pollenate our farmlands.

Pollenate definitions


fertilize by transfering pollen

See also: pollinate cross-pollinate