Pollen in a sentence as a noun

"What's to stop the bad honey having good pollen added?

Why should the recipient of the pollen be held liable?

If i dust your crops with my patented pollen, you are now in violation of my IP rights.

Bees don't care if they're picking up pollen from a "Monsanto Licensee" !

Dead hives were remarkably empty except for stores of food and some pollen left, a resemblance of CCD.

If my bees collect pollen from genetically modified plants, I can no longer sell that honey.

Given an average weight of 80–100 mg/bee, some of our pollen sample concentrations exceed the oral LD50.

Toxic shock from honey is possible, but it is due to the honey being made using pollen from flowers that are toxic to humans.

"honey is [..] forced at high pressure through extremely small filters to remove pollen, which is the only foolproof sign identifying the source of the honey.

Unfortunately, there's another farm within range of the bees that has Monsanto's crop growing, and your crop gets fertilized with the neighbor's pollen.

You'd need a database of mold and pollen distributions for the whole country, plus tools to analyze the distribution in a given package.

So if the wind carries corn pollen from your neighbor's farm to your organic cornfield, your crop will pick up some patented genetic characteristics.

Shouldn't it be possible to sue Monsato or neighbors for polluting your field with their genetically manipulated pollen?

The difference, of course, is that your neighbor's patented computer/car/lamp/soda won't spray pollen out that hits your computer/car/lamp/soda, causing it to produce little baby patent-violating computers/cars/lamps/sodas that you can be sued for. Yet exactly that can happen with crops.

Being overly clean leads to allergies, many people surmise, because low-level dust/pollen/allergens are never properly introduced to develop the immune system.

I'm not sure about the whole "benefit" thing -- I tend to believe that honey is mostly a simple sugar that isn't all that good for us and I don't buy into the whole eating honey with pollen will stave off allergies claim.

It is heated and filtered and pollen-free, removing the extraordinary health benefits of honey, cut eith corn syrup, beet syrup or other sweeteners, and laced with pesticides and anti-biotics.

This, combined with the result that our samples of dead and dying honey bees consistently demonstrated the presence of clothianidin, suggests that the levels of both clothianidin and thiamethoxam found in our sampling of stored pollen in May of 2011 may have contributed to the deaths of the bees we analyzed.

Pollen definitions


the fine spores that contain male gametes and that are borne by an anther in a flowering plant