Cross-pollinate in a sentence as a verb

I never said anyone was sued for having their crops cross-pollinate.

Until they cross-pollinate with a patented GM crop...

Those groups merge, cross-pollinate or at least communicate frequently.

If the gatekeepers are not bold enough to cross-pollinate ideas, students are disadvantaged.

He let insects cross-pollinate\n them en masse, and the resulting plants were crossed at random\n again—and again, and again, four generations in a row.

Has google hired a lot of MBA's recently, because it look an awful lot like they are trying to cross-pollinate their main business lines, to improve vertical integration and uptake.

But information you have committed to long-term memory can cross-pollinate, become a greater structure, open up new horizons.

For example, if just the NT kernel could be separated into its own project, with a clean linkage-point, there'd probably be all sorts of interesting efforts to, for example, create a Debian/NT distribution, or cross-pollinate driver code between Windows and Linux.

Cross-pollinate definitions


fertilize by transfering pollen

See also: pollinate pollenate