Gnome in a sentence as a noun

Ever wonder if that annoying gnome in the auction hall is jumping in morse code?

* Workspace switcher does not support window drag, unlike the gnome panel workspace applets.

Every day engineers would try to tweak the algorithm so that it would be able to distinguish between lawn art and footwear, but the gnome kept its top position.> One day, seemingly miraculously, the gnome disappeared from the results.

It reminds me of an anecdote from Steven Levy's "In the Plex" on a sneaker wearing gnome that was inexplicably making a mockery of Froogle results:> But one problem was so glaring that the team wasnt comfortable releasing Froogle: when the query running shoes was typed in, the top result was a garden gnome sculpture that happened to be wearing sneakers.

Gnome definitions


a legendary creature resembling a tiny old man; lives in the depths of the earth and guards buried treasure

See also: dwarf


a short pithy saying expressing a general truth