Plonk in a sentence as a noun

People killthread, plonk people, and develop other ways to ignore discussions.

That said, I am not looking forward to comments that consist of nothing more than "blocked" "added to killfile" "plonk" etc.

That was actually remarkably difficult at first; my hands were literally shaking as I tried to plonk out a song.

Plonk in a sentence as a verb

Or maybe Google is going to buy more little ships and plonk one of these in each?I hope that they have adequate security, because all that gold and copper is worth stealing for some people.

Fascinating... I knew * plonk * made a sound, but by 1994 I had always heard it retronymmed to "put loser on newsgroup killfile", which wasn't quite satisfying - Why the awkward phrasing?Now I know the truth.

The problem with CMSes that have "all the features you want" is that they have so many features that the average user who just needs to plonk some content down on a page and periodically edit it can't wade through all the features to figure out how to do that.

Plonk definitions


a cheap wine of inferior quality


the noise of something dropping (as into liquid)


set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise; "He planked the money on the table"; "He planked himself into the sofa"

See also: plank flump plop plunk plump