Plump in a sentence as a noun

Of course, we know they had real seeds and I'm guessing they weren't so plump and thin-skinned.

- and I scarcely need to do anything, which is just as well as by now I've become rather plump.

So a lot of people striving for this look will plump the money and put up with the inconvenience to make their look complete.

Plump in a sentence as a verb

So basically they included a bunch of voluntary stuff to plump up the statistic?

I don't think RIM really cared one way or the other, because they were looking to plump up that meaningless statistic that the press bandies around.

A very endearing sight, I'm sure you will agree, and even as I watched, the mother otter dived into the water and came up with a plump salmon, which she subdued and dragged onto a half-submerged log.

Plump in a sentence as an adjective

I have been toying with moving to Android but this redesign is enough to keep me on board - if I'm going to have to learn a new OS I may as well plump for the one most similar to what I already know

I have seen more than one good friend and colleague been lured to NYC or SV/SF on the promise of plump returns, only to find out that cost of living lets them in worse conditions that what they had already achieved locally.

Not very many substitutions performed[1]: 'colour' => 'color', 'grey' => 'gray', '!please' => '!important', 'transparency' => 'opacity', 'centre' => 'center', 'plump' => 'bold', 'photograph' => 'image', 'capitalise' => 'capitalize' Would've thought there'd be a ton of opportunities to pedantically correct CSS's choice of words.

Plump in a sentence as an adverb

Goebbels screaming for total war, and denouncing pacifists as the worst enemy right after the Jews... I also possess a 4th grade history book that was printed in 1942 I think, and it's so whiny and revisionistic.. basically the whole world is evil and brutish and the Germans try to make it all better and struggle for peace blah di blah, in such a plump fashion that it's hard to believe a lot of Germans really fell for all that.

Plump definitions


the sound of a sudden heavy fall


drop sharply; "The stock market plummeted"

See also: plummet


set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise; "He planked the money on the table"; "He planked himself into the sofa"

See also: plank flump plonk plop plunk


make fat or plump; "We will plump out that poor starving child"

See also: fatten


give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number; "I plumped for the losing candidates"


sufficiently fat so as to have a pleasing fullness of figure; "a chubby child"; "pleasingly plump";

See also: chubby embonpoint


straight down especially heavily or abruptly; "the anchor fell plump into the sea"; "we dropped the rock plump into the water"