Pituitary in a sentence as a noun

I prefer to think of them as the pituitary gland.

But he grabbed the pituitary in both hands, bent the stainless steel, and flung it the floor so hard it bounced as high as the table and hit a wall.

Watch these pituitary retards bang their ******* skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom.

His wife had it and after going to multiple doctors found one who discovered that it was somehow affecting the pituitary gland.

He had asked for and rejected a specific pituitary in every surgery that week.

******* isn't that bad - I've watched it being administered to patients in hospitals prior to pituitary surgery.

I'm not sure, but the pituitary gland secretes HGH and that could systemically affect telomerase.

You actually have a whole other set of receptors that aren't involved in vision but instead signal your pituitary.

Deposit your pollution across the largest number of human livers and pituitary glands as possible!

Pituitary in a sentence as an adjective

Men on medications known to affect, or with established pathology of, the hypothalamo-pituitary gonadal axis were excluded, leav- ing 1,382 for analysis.

Included in his telling of the 2987 transsphenoidal resections of pituitary tumors that Wilson performed, Galdwell highlights the seemingly thousands of hours Wilson practiced surgical procedures on rats early in his career.

From the article: "33 percent of [Shuttle/ISS] astronauts had expansion of the cerebral spinal fluid space surrounding the optic nerve, 22 percent had flattening of the rear of the eyeball, 15 percent had bulging of the optic nerve, and 11 percent had changes in the pituitary gland and its connection to the brain.

Has he "come out" one way or another WRT pituitary hormone levels?If the levels are unusually low, then medically monitored treatment to raise to normal levels appears to have no negative consequences, only positive ones, at all, at least with a short examination of wikipedia.

Researchers measured blood concentrations of testosterone and several other types of hormones and weighed a variety of organs that are essential for rat development and puberty, including the pituitary gland, the ******, the prostate gland and the liver of male rat pups fed an oral dose of triclosan for 31 days.

It doesn't put the hormonal output of other people's pituitary gland or the particulars of their inherited gene expressions down, it just means they aren't as tall.>Does she share your disdain for those who aren't as smart?So an extremely tall person who's talking about the sucky parts of being extremely tall doesn't disdain shorter people.

Even in antiquity, with Iron Age medical care, men commonly lived to 100 years, with the absolute limit, as placed by the Etruscans, at 110 yearsI'm not talking about the lifespan of a normal human who happens not to develop any terminal illnesses, I'm talking about the lifespan of a giant with a pituitary tumor.

Which again takes us back to kechari because the Amrit that is secreted when the pituitary and pineal glands are stimulated, allows the body to live without food and water ending the necessity to eliminate anything.> Since we can never understand what God is through our limited senses, it makes more sense to spend your time trying to understand the mechanical aspects of the body that allow us to shut down what is limiting our perception, than using this mind to gain an understanding of what samadhi or God is through book knowledge.

Pituitary definitions


the master gland of the endocrine system; located at the base of the brain

See also: hypophysis


of or relating to the pituitary gland; "pituitary hormone"