Pharmaceutic in a sentence as a noun

The pharmaceutic industry did a great job in the past, and reduced a lot of suffering.

Which would be exactly what the pharmaceutic industry would like.

Why not just creating a a national pharmaceutic company?

I am just worried that people will lull themselves into feeling they are doing something, while they still remain dependent on the pharmaceutic industry.

Lots of neurophysiological research for instance has nothing to do with pharmaceutics at all, and is purely done to figure out how brains work.

By contrast, the areas that are heavily patented, such as telecoms and pharmaceutics, resist change, are run by cartels, and extort consumers with grossly inflated prices.

Pharmaceutic in a sentence as an adjective

Screw those widely studied, cheap $1 a pill cures, that they are pushing on people for some unknown reason!I'll go with the pharmaceutic industry approved, patented, $1000+ per pill treatments instead, which are the result of science.

No, seriously, somebody please figure a pharmaceutics delivery business model that does not depend on FDA for legality & operations.

You can request prescription medication from a doctor, but they won't necessarily prescribe it. Doctors can prescribe for off label usage, but the pharmaceutical companies are strictly forbidden from advertising that, and often even mentioning it. Doctors only really follow your request if its for an alternative treatment that they agree with.

Compare this "easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" style to the public utility lost by performing rigorous governmental approval and costly testing of the likes that pharmaceutics pass through before market entry.

Should pharmaceutics hold all the clinical trials results for 100 years and only sell black box medicine pills?To be clear, I think that more transparency is good, and the lack of publication of unsuccessful studies is a problem because it causes a strong bias in metastudies and border cases.

Pharmaceutic definitions


drug or medicine that is prepared or dispensed in pharmacies and used in medical treatment

See also: pharmaceutical


of or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists; "the pharmaceutical industry"

See also: pharmaceutical