Prescribe in a sentence as a verb

If you still feel down, go back to your psych and tell them, and they'll prescribe something else.

I'm going to go with his license to prescribe ***** and his neurosurgery practice on that one.

My wife was considered to be so infertile that the Dr. wouldn't even prescribe her birth control.

And doctors prescribe this one or that one, depending on context and what side effects you can tolerate, etc.

Try to get your doctor to prescribe generic bupenorpine.

The point of this article is not to prescribe the only method of displaying human-readable file sizes.

Mood stabilisers that all doctors want to prescribe leave me content to do nothing - literally.

Doctors who prescribe for opiate addiction are allowed only 100 patients.

So they prescribe solutions, and they develop public policy, and they editorialize, and they politicize.

Oxycontin is primarily acquired by addicts either by getting doctors to legally prescribe it, or by purchasing excess pills from individuals to whom it was legally prescribed.

So part of medical practice in dealing with depression is still quite empirical--prescribe a first-line medicine, and see if it works, and then try something else if the first medicine doesn't work or if it has debilitating side effects.

But my father has retina issues and I have spent way too much time in waiting rooms overhearing his specialist convincing other patients that he has had an excellent track record with Avastin use as well as Lucentis and he wants to prescribe whichever costs the least out of pocket first.

Ever hear of "defensive medicine" where doctors will prescribe extra courses of care and tests, just to validate what they already know to be true in order to avoid possible litigation in the rare case that they might be wrong?Asking for certainty in areas where it can't be mathematically guaranteed is extremely expensive.

It has avoided the very thorny choice of law issues that can arise where the contracting parties are in different locations by essentially having the parties agree up front to be legally bound by what amounts to a free-floating form of law to be applied by the arbitrator regardless of what technical choice of law issues would normally prescribe.

Prescribe definitions


issue commands or orders for

See also: order dictate