Perceptiveness in a sentence as a noun

The recipe of the best advice = limited life experience + great perceptiveness.

As a means of demonstrating my perceptiveness in such matters, I talked in general terms about the "kiddy grade" pun.

In other words, it was known before we did our work that women on average scored higher on this measure of social perceptiveness than men.

But they don't really have a dog's attentiveness and perceptiveness toward the person, nor the dog's body language and subtlety of interaction.

It is also important to realize that this gender effect is largely statistically mediated by the social perceptiveness effect.

Succeeding in America does require a forthrightness and social perceptiveness that many asians choose not to develop, but that is absolutely not at odds with an asian upbringing.

I was surprised by the perceptiveness of a youngster who pointed this syndrome out to me, he recognises the superiority of movies half a generation older than the movies made for his generation.

Democracies are only as smart as their ruling majority, and as much of the realm of smart decision making in national and international affairs is dominated by social/cultural knowledge and perceptiveness as by technical knowledge, if not more.

More than two decades of research suggests that thought suppression, or trying to stifle your initial impulses in favor of something else, can result in mental strain and may also impair other types of thinking—memory, self-control, problem solving, motivation, perceptiveness.

Counterarguments: confirmation bias, underestimating others' intuition/perceptiveness.- Feeling a funny happy/peaceful/warm/shivery/tingly feeling at the same time as something religious happens or while reading a religious book.

There are many benefits to having a wife, including their perceptiveness and sensibility, which can be very valuable especially while climbing the social ladder, but given what I know now, I would want to make a success of myself first, before taking one on, and I would advise the same to my sons.

The relentless, unceasing portrayal of sexualized women characters sends the message that the value of women is in their sexuality -- not their intelligence, their emotional perceptiveness, their leadership qualities, or any of hundreds of other positive attributes I could name and that women, like men, possess in varying degrees.

Perceptiveness definitions


a feeling of understanding

See also: insight perceptivity


delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values); "arrogance and lack of taste contributed to his rapid success"; "to ask at that particular time was the ultimate in bad taste"

See also: taste appreciation discernment


perception of that which is obscure

See also: discernment


the quality of insight and sympathetic understanding