Oddment in a sentence as a noun

I have boxes and boxes of components and other oddments that collectively form a useful library, but I have no way of predicting which specific oddments will be useful in future.

My dream setup, then, is a computing world where I don't have to carry at least three computers - laptop, tablet, phone, not even counting cameras and iPod and other oddments - around with me in order to function in the modern world.

That's interesting, but what would be the alternative?Rob Pike's dream setup "is a computing world where I don't have to carry at least three computers - laptop, tablet, phone, not even counting cameras and iPod and other oddments - around with me in order to function in the modern world.

Oddment definitions


a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold

See also: remainder remnant


something unusual -- perhaps worthy of collecting

See also: curio curiosity oddity peculiarity rarity