Partisanship in a sentence as a noun

In fact, the partisanship of the Congressman spells it out in clear relief.

It's not about partisanship, it's about whether your data is safe.

On top of it, the tweet you linked to has nothing to do with racism, just stupid partisanship.

Many of the comments here are complaining about the partisanship of this request.

Standing above partisanship will pay dividends to a political career in the end.

In this specific case, it's mainly just partisanship: some people don't like that Silver's data shows Obama with an ~80% chance of winning, so plug their ears.

This article is written by someone with the same partisanship as an extreme right wing Republican in the US talking about minimum wage or gay marriage.

I hate how something as interesting as this is ruined by partisanship and egocentric control-freakism.

Definition of hyper-partisanship: Attacking the opposing side even when they agree with you.

Life is really, really confusing and partisanship like this confuses me even more. I'll never understand why humans can't agree on the simplest things and do everything in their power to discredit and mock the other side, and it's something that tortures me as a human being on occasion.

People decry partisanship in Washington while continuing to reward the most extreme members of their party, because "partisanship" is generally code for "the other side won't do what I want.

I feel like I can't contribute much further than Yglesias did,>Political partisanship is kind of like representative democracy itselfa terrible mess, but clearly superior to the alternatives.

Partisanship definitions


an inclination to favor one group or view or opinion over alternatives

See also: partiality