Decry in a sentence as a verb

You then turn, without pause, to decry a lack of efficiency.

Volokh here is decrying the same kinds of policies that I decry, for many of the same reasons.

Too often, we see people who decry a particular action and claim that Anonymous has "jumped the shark".

HN can't decry censorship and keep flagging this article because it includes Satoshi's dox.

It seems hypocritical to laud fragmentation when it happens in iOS and decry it in Android.

It's very easy to decry company hiring procedures.

I'm glad lutusp has already jumped in here to decry the shoddy quality of "science" relied on to build the opinion piece kindly submitted here.

You post this every time, and I want to decry the astro turfing..but it's good information, well referenced, and I don't have the background or time to refute anything you've said.

I've heard hiring managers and engineers decry this practice repeatedly, but I know way too many directors and VPs who got there by doing this very thing to feel one should criticize it.

Don't decry anyone else for lacking courage. Build up your own courage. Build up your own effective communication with other freedom fighters, so that the movement for freedom has solidarity, unity of purpose, and resilience.

Decry definitions


express strong disapproval of; "We condemn the racism in South Africa"; "These ideas were reprobated"

See also: condemn reprobate objurgate excoriate