Outsider in a sentence as a noun

People will feel less inclined to assist - because they feel that they are an excluded outsider.

To an outsider, the 8-bit stuff could just seem like shitty graphics, but to many insiders it's awesome and nostalgic and charming.

Actually, I think her perspective as an outsider makes her more qualified to point out what's wrong with the Silicon Valley startup scene.

Most of my knowledge comes from a mix of an outsider's view and third-party testimony of the approach that Uber has taken in Toronto and NYC.

Perhaps if you're looking at vulnerability research as an outsider you think this is a significant issue.

As an outsider, it appears to me that almost the entire US legal and political system is driven by, and for the benefit of, corporate and big business interests.

Outsider definitions


someone who is excluded from or is not a member of a group

See also: foreigner


a contestant (human or animal) not considered to have a good chance to win