Foreigner in a sentence as a noun

As a foreigner, this is probably the most astounding.

And foreigners are protected if they are within US borders... but once they leave, it no longer applies.[0].

One thing I find interesting is that it's somehow okay as long as it's directed at 'the foreigners'.

As a European who constantly runs into the same "go away, foreigner" notices on US sites, I find this way funnier than I should.

The fact that America was historically built on immigration doesn't give me, a foreigner, the "right" to live there.

They've decided they don't need any more foreigners, and I can't contest the morality of this with the CPC because again, they have more guns than me.

Speaking as a foreigner, I now have very little trust for basically any major US tech corporation.

If America wants to reenact the fall of Rome, that's their prerogative, but as a foreigner I wish other foreigners would not cheerlead them as they do so.

You put a lot of young men in that situation, they think anything goes, particularly when they see a foreigner or an urbanized Indian woman.

"I'm a long-time foreigner in a German-speaking country, learning German after already speaking two more languages apart from my mother tongue, not knowing German before I came here, so I know how many nuances a living language has. Had he say A2, or B1 if he's a language talent, I'd believe him, C1, I can't imagine.

Every language has hundreds of tacit grammar rules, many of which are not known explicitly even to native speakers, but which reveal a language-learner as a foreigner when the rules are broken.

They at least make some effort at pretending there's a due process for american citizens, but if you're a foreigner with your data on a system owned by a US company, you literally have no rights at all.

This is one of the questions I most want to see asked: "General Keith B. Alexander, has the NSA ever wittingly used collected information on any foreigner elected to office by his or her citizens to coerce or blackmail that duly elected official to pursue policies that may not be in the interest of the citizens that elected them?

Just collect dirt on all foreigners, wait until they get into power, then use whatever dirt you collected over many years to blackmail that person to do things that are in the self interest of the people at the NSA instead of the self interest of the people that duly elected that representative.

Foreigner definitions


a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country

See also: alien noncitizen outlander


someone who is excluded from or is not a member of a group

See also: outsider