Oscillation in a sentence as a noun

"I asked what the poles of the oscillation were.

The oscillation frequency of the clock is much lower.

It is an illusion created by the synchronized frame rate and oscillation.

" The walking rhythm may match the natural oscillation of the bridge thus resulting in a resonance effect.

"The video just added a camera trick to photograph the ribbon in the same place during each oscillation appearing to freeze it in place.

So tough and rank cultures tend to fall into a degenerate, enervating pattern of oscillation from one extreme to the other.

It quite literally only touches the oscillator once an oscillation.

Not to mention it being unnecessary; the only advantage I can think of is that it might exclude some undesirable oscillation modes, which is probably easier to achieve by attaching support cables at various points along its length.

In the search for exobiology one possible sign to look for within planetary spectra might be a predictable annual oscillation of carbon dioxide levels as occurs on Earth when plants photosynthesize more in the summer than the winter.

My friend was a waiter and told me the trick they used to keep from spilling the glasses they carried out was to waver the tray a bit to the left and right in a steady rhythm as they walked, which according to this probably disrupts the natural oscillation of the liquids and creates a new, more stable pattern.

Oscillation definitions


the process of oscillating between states


(physics) a regular periodic variation in value about a mean

See also: vibration


a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon; "a year constitutes a cycle of the seasons"

See also: cycle