Waver in a sentence as a noun

I swear by it, though my wife is starting to waver.

Then it caused a stir, and in response to the controversy he didn't waver but kept going.

Well, this post is still on the front page...I waver a lot on the "******* is a selfish act" business.

" And after you waver for a second, your decision reinforces itself and you end up doing nothing at all.

But to be fair, if I were a Svpply employee, my confidence in his vision of the company might waver a tiny bit.

Clarkson gets a terribly hard time for his views and he doesn't waver a bit, whether you agree with him or not, you have to give him some credit.

2nd wave feminism has problems for sure, but they also got a lot right and and 2nd wavers have helped shaped the state of society today.

I even more expected that the investor was going to see the slightest bit of waver in his voice and use that as an excuse to yank all the money back.

Waver in a sentence as a verb

I'm no American flag waver, but I think the primary reason Germany had better weapons was that they had years of head start in developing them.

She started to waver when management asked her to delay her departure - I reiterated that she should not worry about me or management.

After hearing TextDrive change hands and waver on a commitment like this, it would have to be some kind of well-capitalized trust or foundation obligated not to default.

Unless you have clearly and unambiguously established that it's authorized, don't do it.> I guess at least visiting heads of state get a diplomatic waver...Hardly.

" In retrospect, we can say that MLK was just changing tactics and he never wavered in his belief against segregation...but is that something you would've guessed if you were one of his contemporaries?

I used Slicehost and Linode in parallel until it was obvious that Linode's CPU performance was quite consistent and Slicehost's would waver from marginally better to significantly worse.

I've been listening to the teaching company's audio lectures on the history of freedom, and I think the idea that "you can't **** an idea" is also represented in Socrates & Jesus-- both of their influences did not waver after death.

My friend was a waiter and told me the trick they used to keep from spilling the glasses they carried out was to waver the tray a bit to the left and right in a steady rhythm as they walked, which according to this probably disrupts the natural oscillation of the liquids and creates a new, more stable pattern.

Waver definitions


someone who communicates by waving


the act of pausing uncertainly; "there was a hesitation in his speech"

See also: hesitation falter faltering


the act of moving back and forth

See also: flutter flicker


pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness; "Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures"

See also: hesitate waffle


be unsure or weak; "Their enthusiasm is faltering"

See also: falter


move hesitatingly, as if about to give way

See also: falter


move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern; "the line on the monitor vacillated"

See also: fluctuate vacillate


move back and forth very rapidly; "the candle flickered"

See also: flicker flitter flutter quiver


sway to and fro

See also: weave


give off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency

See also: quaver