Exobiology in a sentence as a noun

I mean, in principle, but that's probably like assuming that exobiology is carbon based.

What history tells us X. Fifty years ago:\nthe beginning of exobiology.

In the same as exobiology - we can make models compatible with our current physics/chemistry/etc and study those models, write papers, have conferences, grants... ie. do a science.

When you say astrobiology or exobiology, invariably some people are going to cry, "What, no aliens?

They weren't doing anything about it; it reminded me of a weed-and-beer-fueled bull session in a dorm room, except all these people were effectively professional exobiologists being paid to have weed and beer fueled bull sessions on exobiology.

In the search for exobiology one possible sign to look for within planetary spectra might be a predictable annual oscillation of carbon dioxide levels as occurs on Earth when plants photosynthesize more in the summer than the winter.

Exobiology definitions


the branch of biology concerned with the effects of outer space on living organisms and the search for extraterrestrial life

See also: astrobiology