Ornate in a sentence as an adjective

At the bottom of the ornate frame was an out of place comic sans font that read "to the moon".

There's nothing ornate about this pair, which makes it easy to clean and to pair with random sets of my modernist spoons and forks.

The one I recently went to was ornate - huge tile floors, brass highlights, gigantic hallways, and giant fountains.

I can imagine a very lush future with ornate decoration.

That happens after he accidentally buys H G Wells' time machine in an obscure ebay auction, thinking that he is acquiring an ornate steampunk wardrobe.

That's one of the things I remember the most from my visit: that feeling of being so tiny inside this massive, ornate indoor space that is so big, there's a haze when you look from end to end.

> build ridiculous palaces for themselvesI'd go further and say the whole model of a gleaming capital city with ornate temples of governance is well out of date.

Don't we all do that to some degree?Lots of musicians go through a stage where they are trying to see what they are capable of and make music as involved/complicated/ornate as possible.

One of the best CNC machinists that I know has come into the shop on weekends to experiment with making ornate snowflake ornaments, folding knives, and motorcycle attachments on the mills...

"if you happen to care about app's performance, you will have to carry wstrings around"If those strings are for the user to read, he's reading a million times slower than you handle the most ornate reencoding.

Certainly, yes, and appropriately so. Furthermore, code can be beautiful entices attention and curiosity while ornate language does not.

Of course I cannot judge legibility of writing systems I do not like, but it seems that nastaliq would be hardly readable on a lot of mobile devices and I wonder how difficult learning the ornate script is.

Suits, once an inexpensive, practical, standardized alternative to more ornate and expensive clothing, are now the expensive, frequently impractical attire.

It is like a set of trapezoidal building blocks, with no vertical or horizontal surfaces, like a language in which the simplest thought demands ornate constructions, useless particles and lengthy circumlocutions.

His hope for curing the language is the conscious action of a minority, but the decline of language cannot be due to the bad influence of a minority?Orwell makes good points at times here, I think, with respect to overly ornate language that does nothing to clarify its own content.

In earlier days, it was kings and deities whose agents demanded that their names be written in a larger size or set in a specially ornate typeface; now it is business firms and mass-market products demanding an extra helping of capitals, or a proprietary face, and poets pleading, by contrast, to be left entirely in the vernacular lower case.

Ornate definitions


marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details; "a flowery speech"; "ornate rhetoric taught out of the rule of Plato"-John Milton

See also: flowery