Flowery in a sentence as an adjective

I think the person I'm replying to used a lot of flowery language to say "Why can't you people just learn self control?

Call me whatever you want, but don't refer to me by any of this flowery language, I find that far more offensive.

Well butter my *** and call me ******* skittles!So you want to censor everyone who doesn't buy into your flowery child talk?

Admittedly, a button backed by a web service described in very flowery language, but still.

He could have have ditched the flowery prose, meandering critcisms of criticism and just said "This is important to me, I'm pulling rank.

And as overly flowery and obfuscated as the writing is, it can't really dress up a pretty mundane story.

It's generally not useful to quote flowery language like this, because it's not legally operative.

Management speak -- at least the form that is often mocked -- is just using flowery language to conceal the absence of substance, and is pretty much the opposite of jargon.

The problem with a flowery eastern concept misinterpreted and adopted in the west is that the original meaning gets distorted.

Doing it in flowery everyone-wins language is more time-consuming and the longer you communicate on the web, the more you realise that frequently it's just not worth the time drain.

Flowery definitions


of or relating to or suggestive of flowers; "a flowery hat"; "flowery wine"


marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details; "a flowery speech"; "ornate rhetoric taught out of the rule of Plato"-John Milton

See also: ornate