Optimum in a sentence as a noun

The optimum writing style may change. When threads require more skimming it pays to write more skimmable content.

This is the optimum tax treatment for most startups but is normally made available only to founders. 2.

I feel like this is the optimum approach, and that all others are subversive to a completely free conversation, which is what the internet first championed.

Companies have a plan for your career which is not the optimum plan for you. In this case, it makes sense to pay for training personally when the day job won't subsidize it, or otherwise invest in one's own professional development.

What jumped out at me, and I imagine anyone else on HN who read these transcripts, was that despite what was a set of the optimum circumstances for lawyers dealing with software issues, none of them had the slightest idea what they were talking about. They were way off the mark."

So companies that are 'managed' always strive for optimum returns, and since you can't predict the future they are risk averse. Companies that are 'lead' on the other hand have the capability to ignore the risk in order to get to the rewards on the other side.

In other words, the proposition "Soylent will not provide close to optimum nutrition for everyone" is extremely different from the proposition "Switching to Soylent will improve the diet of most people". Most people get most of their calories from sugar, refined starches, and refined vegetable oils.

It is always a trade-off between optimum investor protections and practical limitations on such protections in the name of letting legitimate capital formation get done. Will this "legalize fraud," as suggested in this piece?

Optimum in a sentence as an adjective

Of course, that's with optimum general strategy, not "playing your hunches", which could easily open the house edge to 10% or more depending on how dumb you're playing. My guess is that he was card counting, but not with a traditional system, and he wasn't using it to size his bets, just to make strategy decisions, which would be harder to detect.

It can't magically leap from one optimum to another. So you see things like the way the same basic body plan is reused endlessly in the natural world; with only incremental changes available to create the next species, you can't create a whole new body plan from scratch, even if it would be completely appropriate due to, say, transitioning from land to water.

Always have a good runway: six months seems optimum. Technically, even three months should suffice, but it is insufficient for the edge case when these three things hold true simultaneously: * You've to walk away from a customer in the middle of a project, and * Dry sales pipeline, and * Unexpected crisis at the personal front: very close friend in need of money for surgery etc.

I try to find the balance between random-walking and systematized learning, but one thing I'm sure of, it's that the optimum is not on the side of formal education, at least not for me. After trying, again and again, to force and fit myself into 'the System' of traditional, formalized learning I discovered that it is almost impossible for me, and it always have been.

I think what many people, both in the street communities and not, may fail to realize is that it is entirely possible that a street community can represent a local optimum, but not a global one. There may be a way to provide people both the sense of community they desire and a way to integrate them into the larger community so that they can contribute in more impactful ways.

Outsourcing and offshoring production damages the feedback and development loop between production and design that enables efficient optimum design of products. Also they narrowed the parts of the supply chain that they supplied to focus on the high value ones that could still be profitable but that costs control and foresight into important developing areas.

If you don't do that then the optimum financial endgame for a company like Google is to basically turn into some mega corporation that pays its employees almost minimum wage, but provides "free" meals, housing, food, transportation etc. which they don't have to pay any taxes on because it's not being sold to anyone and can all be written off as internal costs.

Optimum definitions


most favorable conditions or greatest degree or amount possible under given circumstances


most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied; "an optimum return on capital"; "optimal concentration of a drug"

See also: optimal