Opiate in a sentence as a noun

Junkies give us opiate users a bad name, just like meth-heads make stimulant users look bad[2].

Once you get bupenorpine in your brain, your craving for opiates will diminish.

Doctors who prescribe for opiate addiction are allowed only 100 patients.

Suboxone includes an opiate antagonist for the sole purpose of trying to keep people from injecting it.

People assume that all opiate users are crackheads committing armed robbery.

Recovering opiate addict here, I guess I'd fit your definition of having a "real addiction[sic]".

It's a harm minimization strategy, like giving opiate addicts a supply of quality morphine so they don't stick whatever they find on the street into their veins.

I agree that the article glosses over how bad opiate physical withdrawals are, and my experience didn't include the emotional withdrawals.

As an illegal opiate producer in Afghanistan who answers "yes", you have plausible deniability by just saying "I got heads.

As an opiate addict in recovery, and having experienced caffeine withdrawal: taper, taper, taper.

Opiate definitions


a narcotic drug that contains opium or an opium derivative