Negligence in a sentence as a noun

In this situation, there just wasn't room for negligence to slip in.

My own thoughts on the negligence and indolence of the PC industry are full of rage.

Who is the offended party, and how much negligence is required for software bugs.

But from a safety perspective "wilful pilot negligence" simply isn't good enough.

Instead, years of negligence and atrocious design decisions turned it into a ghost town since around 2011 or so. One has only to blame oneself.

In such cases, the law developed so as to hold such drivers responsible for damages in civil proceedings for the what the law called the "tort" of negligence.

I think they should have only been charged with the trespassing, and instead the management of the facility should have been been on the hook for some serious negligence charges.

Otherwise it would set a very bad precedent for corporation bullying of people that uncover negligence when it comes to customer security.

Hard not to enjoy the schadenfreude of a company begging developers to support web standards after holding the entire web hostage for years due to outright cynical negligence.

If they don't report the incidence to international police forces and assist in tracking down the actual dealers, they are in my eyes guilty of criminal negligence of astronomical proportions.

He's doing a shitty job of pointing out that "negligence on the part of financial institutions" has been re-branded by the industry as "identity theft" so they can transfer part or all of the liability to the customer, and even get you to pay to protect yourself from their negligence.

What if Becquerel put his photographic plate and uranium rock in a drawer, saw anomalous results, and did not report on them on fear that perhaps somehow the plates were exposed in some other manner?The point is that barring gross negligence or fraud, scientists should be encouraged to share results that perhaps are inexplicable or against current thinking.

Negligence definitions


failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances

See also: carelessness neglect nonperformance


the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern

See also: neglect neglectfulness