Carelessness in a sentence as a noun

No, it doesn't excuse carelessness, but that doesn't excuse Google either.

The problem isn't Excel, it's those who use it from a foundation of ignorance or carelessness.

This goes beyond carelessness and straight into incompetence.

What's fascinating to me is that, unlike so many other language "changes", this isn't caused by laziness or carelessness.

I am borderline speechless in the face of the incomprehensible carelessness.

There are lots of other places where collusion is not required; just simple carelessness and incompetence by software engineers....

Make it a $1K repair, that's enough money to keep people from not plugging their vehicles out of pure carelessness, but don't make it a $40K event that in insurance terms would be a total loss.

But it shows a lack of respect and carelessness that need not be rewarded, and in this case, I think the punishment and disrespect directed toward this event is entirely valid.

A general amount of carelessness, undeserved self-confidence and ignorance is a given in most websites, especially when it comes to PHP.

First, that it was four planes which were hijacked: For security screeners to allow one armed hijacker onto a plane may be poor luck, but for armed hijackers to get onto four planes looks like carelessness.

But when it is squandered in luxury and carelessness, when it is devoted to no good end, forced at last by the ultimate necessity we perceive that it has passed away before we were aware that it was passing.

Carelessness definitions


the quality of not being careful or taking pains

See also: sloppiness


failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances

See also: negligence neglect nonperformance