Naif in a sentence as a noun

Was it the kind of software that a tech naif would be interested in?

In terms that a naif to advertising and site design might understand.

How do you make a meaningful work-sample test for a sales chief that can be interpreted by a naif?

A tech naif that doesn't know how to turn off a service is certainly not going to be reflashing a wifi AP.

Naif in a sentence as an adjective

Also, the Apple ads weren't pretending to be an independent party - it was clear to any naif who was footing the bills for the ad.

Every tin-foil hatter or teenage naif out there is using it as their personal forum in this pissing match of who can be more strident over something that any halfway intelligent person had assumed was happening already.

Out of curiosity, could a crypto-oriented person suggest the effective difference between a public/private key system, and a password system where the password is as long as a public key would be?Given that most of the password-cracking articles focus on length of password being important regarding cracking time, it seems to this crypto-naif that a public-key-length password would do 99% of the job of moving to a public/private key system.

Naif definitions


a naive or inexperienced person


marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience; "a teenager's naive ignorance of life"; "the naive assumption that things can only get better"; "this naive simple creature with wide friendly eyes so eager to believe appearances"

See also: naive