Doctrinaire in a sentence as a noun

"That sort of doctrinaire thinking is just bad policy.

The course was practically dominated by error bars, which were incredibly poorly explained, and taught in an almost doctrinaire way.

I don't know which is more damaging to the case of doctrinaire capital-A Anarchists.> a semi-private legal system for some things might workThis is called contract law.

Marxism was quite a clever philosophy for its time but it remains rooted in the 19th century because its adherents are so doctrinaire that they're unwilling to revise its tenets in the face of new information.

Being doctrinaire about anything is guaranteed to distance you from reality - you give project managers a weapon to coerce you into worrying about how to break down your work into a velocity and stories and tasks.

Doctrinaire in a sentence as an adjective

Dedicated to justice and to logical consistency, the natural-rights libertarian cheerfully admits to being doctrinaire, to being, in short, an unabashed follower of his own doctrines.

"Government enforced monopolies are bad" is what particularly doctrinaire libertarians say, but libertarians aren't know for their ability to agree with each other.

Instead of taking a doctrinaire position in the tired Windows vs. Linux holy war, you have articulated arguments for and against features of each system on a case-by-case basis, making for a fair critique and a refreshing read.

More interesting are the libertarians who take a doctrinaire opposition to the government, but it really requires, as I said earlier, an anarcho-socialist vibe of "governments shouldn't enforce real estate regulations or trademark laws, those are already Initiation of Force in some fundamental sense, 'don't walk here or I'll hurt you', 'don't say this name without my permission or I'll hurt you'.

Very cautious attitude is also exercised towards other cult-ish stuff like stefbot.> "More interesting are the libertarians who take a doctrinaire opposition to the government, but it really requires, as I said earlier, an anarcho-socialist vibe of ... those are already Initiation of Force in some fundamental sense"To me, that has an anarcho-capitalist vibe, granted this is probably because of difference in social scenery.

Doctrinaire definitions


a stubborn person of arbitrary or arrogant opinions

See also: dogmatist


stubbornly insistent on theory without regard for practicality or suitability