Misunderstanding in a sentence as a noun

"Edit: Your comment should not be so heavily downvoted for the misunderstanding.

The problem here is merely a misunderstanding of career statistics.

So please don't lob insults at the active physics community based on your own misunderstanding of the theories that they spend their lives striving to understand.

I think that's one of the reasons I write fewer essays now. After I wrote this one, I had to go back and armor it by pre-empting anything I could imagine anyone willfully misunderstanding to use as a weapon in comment threads.

Your words here reflect some basic misunderstandings of the science involved, but rather than concluding "I don't understand this", you've instead suggested what amounts to a conspiracy theory.

His points about the general public's misunderstanding of true psychopathy are equally true, although he crucially omits any and all explanations of how psychopathy can actually be dangerous and destructive to others.

Silver presents a method of investigation that is not only epistemologically different from traditional punditry, but threatening to it, and their dislike is centered on the threat his method poses, not just its intellectual merits or misunderstanding thereof.

Misunderstanding definitions


putting the wrong interpretation on; "his misinterpretation of the question caused his error"; "there was no mistaking her meaning"

See also: misinterpretation mistaking


an understanding of something that is not correct; "he wasn't going to admit his mistake"; "make no mistake about his intentions"; "there must be some misunderstanding--I don't have a sister"

See also: mistake misapprehension