Misinterpretation in a sentence as a noun

"This is the part that ***** the whole thing up. It's too vulnerable to misinterpretation or abuse.

Not least of all, "your mama".The article also strikes me as a misinterpretation of the quote and the exchange between owner and coach.

You can't be concise on forums, because if you leave any possible room for misinterpretation, someone will reply with it.

> This is FUD, repeated ad nauseum all over the internet as a misinterpretation of what Simon Peyton Jones said once during a talk.

This is a silly argument and a misinterpretation of the purpose of orthogonality.

I suspect that's not the author's intention -- he's setting out to celebrate the homeless, not to denigrate them -- but some of his language lends itself to misinterpretation.

They have more in common with journalists in that they do not exploit language, but seek the simplest form to explain a concept and be completely understood with no room for misinterpretation.

Today's laws are a perverse misinterpretation of copyright's original intent.

That study found a systematic misinterpretation of the miles-per-gallon metric in the sense that participants consistently overvalued vehicles with high MPG ratings.

I think it's perfectly absurd to expect that a brief intelligent comment on a social chat board be expected to include encyclopedic completeness and citations to ward off every conceivable casual wanton misinterpretation.

Any subjective "test" is simply no test at all.> Also, numbers like weight and computer mental agility tests also can be quite reliable if you are consistent in your testing...That's a pretty big 'if', plus a 'can' and a 'quite'.> ...and they aren't subject to misinterpretation or wishful thinkingThat's the whole point of the OT in this discussion thread.

Misinterpretation definitions


putting the wrong interpretation on; "his misinterpretation of the question caused his error"; "there was no mistaking her meaning"

See also: misunderstanding mistaking