Mean in a sentence as a noun

When you are dealing with humans, crashes and bugs mean deaths.

I mean, Facebook wants me there, and it'd be pretty easy to just go.

I think a lot of us now see the state as a tool meant to make our lives more stable and just.

[2] Again, you might not mean to reference that when you use words like "brogrammer".

I mean things like "how much storage is required to store satellite images for Google Maps?

" I mean, I was joking, but no... the only API call we offer is to get someone's stream.

You mean like, blind and deaf people Accessibility?

But OpenBSD is not a meaningful ally in a contest between you and NSA.

I mean a done product, ready to go, and better than anything else in its market.

I mean, there are people who don't want this country to become Spanish speaking or bi-lingual.

Let's break down some of the copy for this app:Prompt is a clean, crisp, and cheerful SSH clientWhat does that mean?

Mean in a sentence as a verb

I mean, yeah, they micro-manage really well, but I wouldn't list it as a strength or anything.

I mean, they're still afraid of that; it's pretty much part of daily life there, working for the Dread Pirate Bezos and all.

I mean, imagine if the US and Canada got into a war over who could call they're syrup "maple syrup".

I mean, there was an ancient state that existed and then diaspora as the Jews had to leave their homeland.

I mean, someone reverting your code because of a personal vendetta?

Kosher dietary laws meant that they didn't eat with non-Jews and that they bought their food from within the community.

There is a lot of good security work that has started inside the OpenBSD project, and I don't mean to talk any of that stuff down.

I mean, I assume they're not, given that Apps Script only works in Spreadsheet right now, and it doesn't even have keyboard shortcuts as part of its API.

I mean, to us it might sound ridiculous to say that your country should matter more than your morality - and I mean secular morality here.

I mean, if you're big into patriotism and nationalism, then the state should be the citizen's first priority, right?

Deaths mean increased regulation, often under the mistaken assumption that more rules would prevent engineers from making bugs.

Mean in a sentence as an adjective

We do mean well, and for the most part when people say we're arrogant it's because we didn't hire them, or they're unhappy with our policies, or something along those lines.

This means that the "not getting it" is endemic across the company: the PMs don't get it, the engineers don't get it, the product teams don't get it, nobody gets it.

Monitor > your replication status!If you mean that an error condition can occur without issuing errors to a client, then yes, this is possible.

And I'm not talking about criticism, I'm talking about needless mean, shitty behavior that gets repeated and defended all too often.

Capping at 12 would mean that both parties arguing might get the same public presentation of 00FF00 and that might quell the need for parties to prove that they're the winner of the argument by popular vote.

As another example, I have been doing Ruby professionally for almost 10 years now, and despite this I have to strongly disagree with the conclusion of this quotation:Python is a beautiful, clean language. But the same restrictions that make it nice and clean mean that it’s hard to write beautiful, clean libraries.

If by "if-by-whiskey" you mean the fallacious, ****-flopping, cowardly practice of pandering, then certainly I am against it. But, if when you say "if-by-whiskey" you mean the circumspect, open-minded, responsive practice of consideration, then I am certainly for it. This is my stand.

Learn that lesson fast, or you'll be sorely disappointed in all your future projects, especially when you're just the guy-in-charge-of-negotiating-rates-for-business-cards...uh, I mean CEO.

But that does not mean a private party should be able to indiscriminately sue anyone around who happens to be offering services that involve some form of money handling, or their investors, for the results of the existing system.

However, teaching evaluations dont just measure your ability to give good lectures; they are holistic--meaning, they also measure intangibles, such as the professor's willingness to help students, or his attitude.

Is the ssh client really happy that it can make a TCP connection to the intarwebs, especially for me?What does this sentence mean to someone that wants to ssh from their phone?it helps you when you need it, and stays out of your way when you dontSo when I want to be sshing, I can run it, and when I don't want to be sshing, I don't have to run it?

Mean definitions


an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n


mean or intend to express or convey; "You never understand what I mean!"; "what do his words intend?"

See also: intend


have as a logical consequence; "The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers"

See also: entail imply


denote or connote; "`maison' means `house' in French"; "An example sentence would show what this word means"

See also: intend signify


have in mind as a purpose; "I mean no harm"; "I only meant to help you"; "She didn't think to harm me"; "We thought to return early that night"

See also: intend think


have a specified degree of importance; "My ex-husband means nothing to me"; "Happiness means everything"


intend to refer to; "I'm thinking of good food when I talk about France"; "Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!"


destine or designate for a certain purpose; "These flowers were meant for you"


approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value; "the average income in New England is below that of the nation"; "of average height for his age"; "the mean annual rainfall"

See also: average


characterized by malice; "a hateful thing to do"; "in a mean mood"

See also: hateful


having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality; "that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble"- Edmund Burke; "taking a mean advantage"; "chok'd with ambition of the meaner sort"- Shakespeare; "something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics"

See also: base meanspirited


excellent; "famous for a mean backhand"


marked by poverty befitting a beggar; "a beggarly existence in the slums"; "a mean hut"

See also: beggarly


(used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity; "a mean person"; "he left a miserly tip"

See also: mingy miserly tight


(used of sums of money) so small in amount as to deserve contempt

See also: beggarly


of no value or worth; "I was caught in the bastardly traffic"

See also: bastardly