Diaspora in a sentence as a noun

I mean, there was an ancient state that existed and then diaspora as the Jews had to leave their homeland.

Out here in the diaspora, we pay little attention to the opinions of powerball winners.

This is exactly what the internet needs less of. Sad to see the diaspora guys reduced to overlaying unfunny text captions over jpgs.

But diaspora Judaism can fly in the face of "commitment to your country should take precedence over commitment to something else".

As there is no Central Bank, considerable amount of money comes into the country through transfers from the Somali diaspora.

Diaspora definitions


the body of Jews (or Jewish communities) outside Palestine or modern Israel


the dispersion of the Jews outside Israel; from the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 587-86 BC when they were exiled to Babylonia up to the present time

See also: Diaspora


the dispersion or spreading of something that was originally localized (as a people or language or culture)