Maltreatment in a sentence as a noun

I will continue to use Apple but I pulled both of my apps from their app store years ago due to maltreatment.

Gender was probably involved in some cases of maltreatment.

The maltreatment; the trial judge agrees with you and Amnesty International, so why was that not put on the website?

That paper, which looked at verbal abuse of children, concluded "Parental verbal aggression was a potent form of maltreatment.

Instead of learning that excluding people for being different is ignorant they learned that one day they would be the one doing the maltreatment, at which point it would be totally cool.

Why should I care so much more about his physical and mental maltreatment by the legal system over the other millions experiencing the same everyday?

No, it's not an effective deterrent, and that's an ambient public policy problem that probably contributed to Aaron's maltreatment.

This sort of maltreatment of those less materially well-off predates any modern concept of political frameworks by centuries if not millenia.

There then followed generations of maltreatment; appalling as the physical treatment is, the long-term cultural impact of generations of forced ignorance is arguably worse.

Compared to children living with married biological parents, those whose single parent had a live-in partner had more than 8 times the rate of maltreatment overall, over 10 times the rate of abuse, and nearly 8 times the rate of neglect.

Maltreatment definitions


cruel or inhumane treatment; "the child showed signs of physical abuse"

See also: ill-treatment ill-usage abuse