Foist in a sentence as a verb

Make your own choices, don't try to foist them on me.

And a big ball of users to foist G+ on.

We're getting into the realm of philosophy, and I don't want to foist mine upon you.

"My reaction was the same reaction we have when Google tries to foist G+ real-names on Youtube accounts, or when I see Quora's hidden results: "Oh, screw you!

The only reason my project was anything impressive is because my dad runs a cancer research lab and could foist me off on his grad students.

Coal mining and cigarettes look economical too as long as you foist the real costs onto the general population.

They reap the tax benefits of having big business in their city, but foist the problem of housing all of their workers off onto other nearby cities.

Of course such a man is going to have trouble with those who want to foist their value-systems on him through threats, psychological manipulation, or subterfuge.

And he is not buying the outrageously phony damage claims that Oracle is trying to foist upon this trial via its designated expert.

It's so obvious that nobody would have chosen to go with film grain, low frame rates, or any of the other limitations that were foist upon them if they had had a choice.

Checked exceptions attempt to foist this information into the function itself, where it is unknowable and generally inaccurate.

Unsurprisingly, snapshots in a distributed filesystem are hard, and we're determined to get them right before we foist some half-baked result on users and risk losing their data.

Foist definitions


to force onto another; "He foisted his work on me"


insert surreptitiously or without warrant