Ambient in a sentence as an adjective

If your chamber pressure is low, then you can't expand much before you're at ambient at sea level.

Using ambient signals as the carrier is a pretty cool extension.

But the specific time of breakdown, the exact voltage at which the lamp breaks down, depends on the ambient light level.

It analyzes location, and position, and light, and ambient noise, and bluetooth signal strength so it can... so it can...

You take them off and breath on them to get them up to the ambient temperature near your face so there won't be more condensation and wipe them off.

I sometimes call it "ambient sociability".Humans are pack creatures.

These background assumptions aren’t true, of course, but just part of the ambient lore of joke-telling, in which we suspend our disbelief in magic and so forth.

Which is to say, they have a maximum brightness, a much lower native contrast ratio than paper, and their display properties get markedly worse as ambient light levels increase.

In addition, there is insufficient evidence at present to conclude that woodsmoke particles are significantly less or more damaging to health than general ambient fine particles.

The next time a heavy deadline rolls around I'm considering packing my stuff and heading to the university library -- anywhere where I can reattain that ambient sociability.

There's no animation, video, color backgrounds, textures, window decorations, animated drop-down menus, ambient sound, background music, gimmicks, gizmos or gew-gaws.

When you consider a ship leaving a solar system and accelerating, and the speed gained turning the "ambient hydrogen" into deadly radiation, why does it always seem to assume that hydrogen atoms are just kind of hanging out at low velocities relative to the home solar system and only turn into a problem when the bald captain says "engage"?Its a big universe, might the hydrogen atoms already be traveling at these deadly speeds relative to the ship once it leaves Sol?

Ambient definitions


completely enveloping; "the ambient air"; "ambient sound"; "the ambient temperature"