Lowliness in a sentence as a noun

For years all you'd hear was that whitespace significance was a sign of the lowliness of python. Meanwhile, tons of people were ignoring the bikeshedding and getting things done.

[2] Humility also in the classical sense, not as some corruption of modesty or lowliness.

When it's used not to help humanity rise above itself, but to remind the lowly of their lowliness. The great comedian Louis CK, of whom you've doubtless heard, has a routine where he goes after white people who get pissy about not being allowed to say the word "******".

People at google say "don't be evil", you cant run business without being evil, google in its early days tried being the least possible evil, but as Shakespeare said: "lowliness is young ambitions ladder". But the ambitions of MS were clear from start and they did not even care about what was evil, they wanted their supremacy all over.

Lowliness definitions


the state of being humble and unimportant

See also: humbleness unimportance obscureness


a position of inferior status; low in station or rank or fortune or estimation

See also: lowness