Humbleness in a sentence as a noun

' I think humbleness is overrated, but that isn't a humble opinion.

It takes some level of humbleness to go back to learning something that "kids should know," but it is totally worth doing.

I don't understand why people are complaining about the Humble Bundles lack of indieness and humbleness now.

Requiring "humbleness" in posts seems to only apply to other people's posts, apparently.

What I mean by that is that they may demonstrate humbleness with their choice of words, but the general attitude is actually very elitist.

I think it's funny that in the comments that someone said that developers should treat all consumers with positive and constructive humbleness.

Maybe it's just because there are so many new projects posted here regularly but it seems rare to see that mix of humbleness and enthusiasm present in the thread.

There's just something about the combination his extreme talent, humbleness, and humanity.

Please be humble, when you have the capability to down vote comments in the future and think of the humbleness from the HN Guidelines and this particular part: "When disagreeing, please reply to the argument instead of calling names.

Humbleness definitions


the state of being humble and unimportant

See also: unimportance obscureness lowliness


a humble feeling; "he was filled with humility at the sight of the Pope"

See also: humility


a disposition to be humble; a lack of false pride; "not everyone regards humility as a virtue"

See also: humility