Lowness in a sentence as a noun

That's several rungs of lowness you stooped to, and it cancels out whatever rightness there was in your point. Please don't be that way, at least not here.

The lowness of the prices is constrained by distribution costs. Therefore it will continue until one leaves the market.

I think the judge has some grounds for questioning the lowness of that number. On the other hand, I agree that convincing a jury of laypeople that all 64,000 workers have suffered more than that in depressed wages might be difficult.

I don't think the OP indicated anything about lowness/highness of the initial salary. OP did mention that the training they provided was exceptional.

It's a bit counterintuitive that sadness and lowness would do that, but it seems to be a pretty clear pattern. After a number of cases of expressing that frustration and regretting it later, I've set a rule for myself that I should mostly keep my mouth shut if I'm feeling depressed.

Perhaps it'd be more helpful to let different communities adhere to whatever traditions are important to them without attaching the concept of highness or lowness associated with it.

Merriam-Webster corroborates this: > the property of a sound and especially a musical tone that is determined by the frequency of the waves producing it : highness or lowness of sound Wiktionary as well: > The perceived frequency of a sound or note. Oxford: > The quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it; the degree of highness or lowness of a tone.

Lowness definitions


a position of inferior status; low in station or rank or fortune or estimation

See also: lowliness


a feeling of low spirits; "he felt responsible for her lowness of spirits"

See also: downheartedness dejectedness low-spiritedness dispiritedness


the quality of being low; lacking height; "he was suddenly aware of the lowness of the ceiling"


a low or small degree of any quality (amount or force or temperature etc.); "he took advantage of the lowness of interest rates"