Obscureness in a sentence as a noun

The obscureness of the test is to see who emails me to ask for help. That for me is a real positive sign.

I've never had a big problem with dependencies -- other than Xorg, where the issue wasn't with obscureness. The issue was with requiring a number of dependencies from git.

A program is a kind of philosophical theory about a certain topic, and if the theory isn't very clear, then you'll end up with a lot of special cases and obscureness even if you have unit tests and refactoring tools. They say naming is the hardest thing in programming and that becomes more true when you start to introduce any level of abstraction."

Obscureness definitions


the state of being humble and unimportant

See also: humbleness unimportance lowliness


the state of being indistinct or indefinite for lack of adequate illumination

See also: obscurity


the quality of being unclear or abstruse and hard to understand

See also: obscurity abstruseness reconditeness