Love in a sentence as a noun

You know, that thing the "creatives" love so much.

They're young, they love technology and they all have fat bank accounts.

I love Khan's work and what he's doing, but at the same time the article raises some valid points.

Some people love this work, they can stay useful and "in the game", but some hate it because it comes with the cachet of being stale and not keeping up with the times.

Love in a sentence as a verb

The Docs team knows they'll never be competitive with Office until they can match its scripting facilities, but they're not getting any resource love.

No one is going to "fall in love" with your app if your app shouldn't exist in the first place because the old-school solution provided a superior experience.

General advice for legal questions: it's fine to ask these sorts of questions, but please, for the love of god, don't listen to anyone who isn't a lawyer or who hasn't gone through something very similar to what you're going through.

People love to talk about tolerance except when tolerance means they have to deal with people who were raised with fundamentally different views, or people who may even have the same views they did a decade ago but failed to "evolve.

Love definitions


a strong positive emotion of regard and affection; "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love"


any object of warm affection or devotion; "the theater was her first love"; "he has a passion for cock fighting";

See also: passion


a beloved person; used as terms of endearment

See also: beloved dear dearest honey


a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction; "their love left them indifferent to their surroundings"; "she was his first love"


a score of zero in tennis or squash; "it was 40 love"


sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people; "his lovemaking disgusted her"; "he hadn't had any love in months"; "he has a very complicated love life"

See also: lovemaking


have a great affection or liking for; "I love French food"; "She loves her boss and works hard for him"


get pleasure from; "I love cooking"

See also: enjoy


be enamored or in love with; "She loves her husband deeply"


have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"

See also: know screw fuck jazz hump